Claude Monet lived from 1840 to 1926. He spent his last 43 years at his home in Giverny, France, raising his family, painting many of his great masterpieces, and, as if that were
not enough, he was continually creating his natural work of art—the flower gardens and
water lily pond.
Anna visited the gardens one rainy afternoon, September first in 1983, and took many photos from which she painted. If you were there that afternoon you may find yourself in one of these paintings, created from 1984-1987. Look again, and you may see the ghost of Monet admiring the restorations that were done by Gerald Van der Kemp many years after Monet’s death. Anna considered Monet’s gardens to be such magnificent works of art in themselves that she determined to paint them as naturally as possible, sometimes taking up to six months to complete a painting. Also included, are some drawings of Monet from black and white photos taken during his lifetime.
Money admires his gardens at Giverny